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Donate to the Chorus

The Jerusalem Youth Chorus (Amuta #514607761) is affiliated with Friends of the Jerusalem Youth Chorus, a 501(c)3 US-based nonprofit (EIN: 92-0752007). This means that you can give tax-deductibly in Israel, the United States, and many other countries!


To make an online donation in the US:
Donate Now


To make an online donation outside the US:

Donate Now



To make an online donation in Swiss Francs, follow this link to our partners at B8 of Hope and write JYC or The Jerusalem Youth Chorus in the 'Write a note' field, so they can track your donation for the chorus:
Donate in CHF

Donate by Mail

United States

For tax deductible donations in the United States, checks should be made out to:

Friends of the Jerusalem Youth Chorus
EIN: 92-0752007

And should be sent to:

PO Box 4818
Washington, DC 20008


For tax deductible donations in Israel please contact


Other countries or wire transfer

Please contact our Director of Development, Jackie Dentino, for more information on how you can give from other countries or by wire transfer.


Donor Advised Funds

JYC can accept gifts transferred from Donor Advised Funds. Please address the gift to Friends of the Jerusalem Youth Chorus and use the EIN and address above. If you have any questions, please contact Jackie Dentino.


Thank you for your generosity. With your help, we can change the dynamics of the Israeli-Palestinian relationship through song.



Please contact our US-based Director of Development, Jackie Dentino, or call/text +1 (202) 427-9614.