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2024 US Tour

The Jerusalem Youth Chorus traveled to Los Angeles, Washington, DC, Boston, and Vancouver between March 29 and April 14, 2024 to share our music and message in a critical time for Palestinians and Israelis. The US tour was bookended by a high-profile performance in Los Angeles to be announced, and a livestreamed performance at TED 2024, TED’s flagship conference, in Vancouver.

The chorus continued to meet and rehearse weekly in Jerusalem since the events of October 7, collaborating to coordinate safe transportation and to provide a safe space for the youth of East and West Jerusalem to meet, to sing, to talk, and to grow together. We were now thrilled and grateful to be able to bring the chorus from Jerusalem for concerts in North America to uplift and amplify the work of this phenomenal group of young people.

Watch the closing concert of our tour on our Songs & Stories page!

Other International Tours

International touring is an important component of the Jerusalem Youth Chorus experience. It provides a free and open environment outside the conflict of Jerusalem for our singers to deepen their relationships with one another, as well as a chance for them to make an impact on the world stage. It also provides a great incentive for singers to join, and helps them maintain their focus and commitment throughout the year. Abroad, our singers grow to depend on one another in difficult and new situations, and rise to the challenge in expanding their own cultural perspectives. As an ensemble, we are featured nationally on television and in print media on each tour we take, and are honored by the opportunity to spread our message far and wide, inspiring audiences from all walks of life.

To catch a glimpse of life on tour with JYC, check out selected tour reports from the US, Switzerland, the UK, and Japan!

Upcoming Tour Dates

Chicago and Washington, DC, October-November 2023

For details or opportunities, contact us at

Host the Jerusalem Youth Chorus in Your Country!

We love to travel, and we would love to visit you! But building a tour for our chorus is not a simple matter, and takes considerable, time, money, and effort. Our tour destinations always contain the following four characteristics:

  • A logistics team on the ground who take responsibility for our safety, and with whom we build the tour
  • Financial support for the tour specific to that destination - we do not have a tour budget, and do not take away from our year-round Jerusalem programming in order to tour
  • Unique artistic opportunities for performance and cross-cultural collaboration
  • And meaningful opportunities to foster and engage in dialogue with local communities about our work and theirs

If you think there might be a real opportunity for us to work together to build a tour to your city or country, please contact us at and share your ideas!